miercuri, 31 decembrie 2014

Goodbye 2014. Hello 2015.

Hello there people of the internet ! :)

 This is my very first post on my very first blog. I decided to start a blog because I need
to share my thoughts about the things that I like with someone. And that someone can't actually be my mom because she's not so interested, or my boyfriend because he's a boy, or any of my friends who don't share these passions with me, and because of that, they make me sad.

 I truly believe, that somewhere in this world there will be a girl (most likely to have common preferences) at least, who will share with me these things that I like. 
 I decided to start my blog, on new years eve, because I'm taking it as a fresh start, like a new book of my life. 

Inspiration photo from Zoella's Blog

 Last year was a good year. But not the best. So I have some expectations from 2015. I also did set some resolutions as everybody else does. So without further ado, here they are.

                                                           TRY TO RELAX MORE
 I really want this for myself because I'm that kind of person easily annoyed, and that is not good. I want to do anything that I can to be more calm and relaxed. Less stress = longer life.

                                                          BE A BETTER PERSON
 Although I did helped a lot of people last year I want to do more than that. I really believe that there is enough space in your soul to be better in life.

                                                                   BLOG A LOT
 I want my little project to grow up and to get to that point where people asks me to help or who knows what this little thingymajiggy will become :D

                                                          BE MORE ORGANISED
 I also started this blog, maybe I can say for myself, to help me improve my lifestyle. I believe it will help me to be more organised, following a schedule and stuff like that. (at least I hope so).

                                                  HAVE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE
 I hope that 2015 will help me improve my lifestyle, and by that I mean eat healthier, sleep more, drink more water and tea, stop eating wasabi ( hihi guilty pleasure) etc etc. 

                                                          LEARN HOW TO DANCE
 My boyfriend was a professional dancer in dancesport (latin and ballroom dances) and he promised me that we will spend more time dancing and learning the steps and choreography. I hope I will be a better dancer next year.

 Well these are my new year's resolutions. I hope this wasn't too rambling and I really want to share with you my evolution and step by step I might be able to be a part of the beauty community on the internet.
                                             I wish you all the best and let the party begin !!! 
                                                                                                 With love, Denisa

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